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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Awaken Laser Light Ability To Receive Inspiration

August 2015 brings energy to receive laser light clarity. We could use a boost of that and August is the time to receive it! 
2015=8 August = 8,  Cal-mahr is the 8 energy center in the Hal-lai Healing System located at the back of the neck. Also known as The Bridge Of Shamballa. It is the delicious receiver of inspiration and clarity with the guts to believe in the impulse you receive to take it forward in action. 
What Calmahr Energy Holds:

• Blends Divine Law into our choices
• Holds clarity of inspiration safe from mental pollution
• Acknowledges the purpose for your life
• Allows you to see the larger picture for your life

One of the first independent functions of our body when separated from our mothers womb is to breathe. This system is possible due to the respiratory system. Calmahr bridges the oxygen to this vital function. Without the oxygen the mind becomes clouded and the body cannot function. 

When oxygen begins to flow the mind clears, the body is renewed. Keeping the spine healthy is key to the flow of oxygen into the brain. When the Peripheral nerves are blocked with tension at the shoulders and base of the skull, depression can set in because of the lack of free flowing energy through Calmahr.
Separation and lack of oxygen causes us to lose enthusiasm and energy to continue life. 
Sounding or singing the word Calmahr activates this center and releases the congestion that can build up here. It allows us to receive ideas with clarity when open!

If you were born with Calmahr as your physical or spiritual center, then a good neck and back massage is calling your name. Keep this area open for a good flow of inspiration.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Open To The Power Of Love


            June brings the potential and the Power of Love

One moment at a time, one choice at a time and all shall come into balance. You have begun the understanding of focus and now it shall begin to unfold within you. 
Allow yourself the power of love and discernment. 
Allow yourself the joy of the experience. 
Allow yourself to understand what you have. 

In your knowingness it shall unfold! 

You are one step away from bliss and it shall become swift in its return if you point your focus there. 
It will become swift manifesting if you can stay in the flow. Now you are more pointed in your wanting and the focus is more illumined to manifest with heart and love.

Let your word be your bond!  
Let your light be your power!
Let your heart be your guide!
Let your truth be your foundation and be unshaken!

Wishing you a Happy June, 
Rhonda Etherton

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Psalms 23:4
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

What is the Valley of the Shadow of Death?

    The Valley of the Shadow of Death is the beginning point for all disease and fear.  It is also the point where we begin to recognize the illusion of our own mortality.
Our valley has many structures within it.  Our physical body, or house, provides a dwelling place for our spirit.  It is also our vehicle to move through this life.  Some people dwell in large spacious homes, others choose one bedroom apartments.  Some people drive trucks, others drive sports cars.

     We don’t usually paint our homes the same color or decorate them in the same manner, but they fit our needs at the time.  Our size, ethnic background, and experiences are appropriate for us.  They provide us with various opportunities to learn, grow and house the wisdom gained from moment to moment.  As we redecorate, move furniture around, clean out closets, and do daily cleaning so we change physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  What was our truth, belief, understanding or feeling may not be what it is today.  We must be willing to change, or at least consider change, if we are to grow and succeed.

    When we are prepared to enter into willingness we recognize that we are the 
inhabitant of our dwelling.  Only we can choose what resides within and serves our 
needs.  Only we can allow things to accumulate to the point where we can’t even open the door.  Only we can decide how long we will hold on to something that no longer 
serves a purpose.  Only we can decide what is trash and what is treasure.

     If we allow emotional pain and mental confusion to take up residence within us, we open the door to the valley of the shadow of death.  The foundation of our home, our self, begins to sink into the valley.  Once our foundation has shifted, our dwelling becomes unstable and we must begin the process of reconstruction.  

     Reconstruction occurs through bringing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual into balance.  None of this can occur if you are not willing to put in the time, energy, and work necessary to bring your dwelling “up to code.”  There will most likely be pain involved.  Pain makes us learn faster to escape it.  There will be a requirement of commitment that has to push through uncomfortable times.  Being uncomfortable forces us to look at what no longer fits and try on something new.  But, if you are willing, the healing and moving beyond the shadow of death will occur.

by Rhonda Etherton  www.Hal-lai.com

Monday, May 04, 2015

A Year Of Carpe Diem! 2015 Not the Kentucky Derby Beauty

     Find what two energies you were born to become!

A compelling time of celebration, new inventions, stellar advancements in technologies and the ending of a prosaic paradigm ruled by the Tin Men who forgot to pick up a heart.

There is an energy alive within the heart of all of creation and it is transforming into an energy ruled from inspiration and heart of every individual. It's the game changer and money can't buy it!

2015 brings an energy of inspiration blended with raw power of Divine Law into our choices. This energy is called Cal-mahr. It brings an active awareness to our higher purpose.

If you have a Cal-mahr working for you or running the company, doing your surgery, could be your attorney, taking care of your money or helping you stay focused, then you are in good hands. They learn from an early age to follow their knowingness! They may not be able to explain it to you but their life has aligned them into a knowingness that comes forth. If the inner guidance was not followed, there may be addiction issues, alcohol, drugs, food and anything to numb their sensitivity.

2015 = 8  Cal-mahr According to the Hal-lai Healing System.
May = 5   Bay-lahr These 2 energies blend in May to let go of the finale residue of any fear based beliefs!
Two fantastic energies joined together to seize your day and Inspiration.  
Bay-lahr people will be the organizers, head of the sales department, the planner of large events.
They have a keen sense about people and how to make things run smoothly!
Find your two energy centers above and see if this is your Carpe Diem Year!
Holds clarity of inspiration safe from mental pollution!