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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Illumine your Vibration and Aura through Meditation

Lifting the mind and the outer body from chaos is the key to illumination.  The heart chakra up is where peace, grace and changes happen. Life can becomes whole and complete. You are here to be magnificent and brilliant in your talents. Daily meditation can bring you valuable insight. Your feelings are truth and they were meant to give you guidance. We were often taught not to be in alignment with those inner feelings from childhood.

Meditation for 15 min. morning and night and when needed.
Sit in comfortable position or lying down with palms up.
Visualize the sun and her golden rays coming down into your head and into your heart.  Expand your heart with the Love of the Universal God Energy and move the rays down the legs into the core of the mother earth. Sound out your two birth tones to align your physical and spiritual core! .........Calculate your Birth tones here 

Now claim from the Lord God of your Being!

I am the light
I am thankful for the light
I am grateful for the sun
I serve the light
I send forth the light
I live only in the light
Feel this move through your body for 10 min. or longer.

Be in the presence of your I AM.  Ask for solutions that serve your highest and best order.

Beginning and advance meditation classes available

Blessings, Rhonda Etherton

Thursday, June 20, 2013

State of Knowing

* Trust in the signs the Universe gives you
* Feels peaceful 
* Intuitive
* Trusting what your heart says rather than your head
* The whole of your being is in concert with your answer
* The whole of your being says YES
* Your Mastery reaches a point where you are detached from the emotion of it
* Be still and know I am
* Feel connected
* Absolutely 
* Allowing

* Faith (acronym)
* Fear
* Absent
* In
* The 
* Heart

 By, Rhonda Etherton

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Empowerment can feel scary until you feel it!

It is time for us to have understandings of things to come. It is time for us to have understanding of the way our thoughts, words and deeds contribute to the world conditions and our own personal health. This we cannot do if we continue to accept another individual’s interpretation and do not accept responsibility for our own physical body and growth of our spirit. We must understand the Essentials of our own being and the spirit that dwells within to enable us to bring about enlightened change.
Much of what you will read is your history because it is the history upon which the beliefs and energy of the Earth is built. What you are being asked to do is recognize the part of you that continues to exist in that past and create the change that will allow you to step out of that history and begin to exist in the moment and empower your future. 

What does empowering mean? To empower yourself you must place the full energy of your mind, body and spirit into recognizing your potential and your ability to act upon it. The power to bring about healing, balance, and the fullness of your potential lies within you. Sometimes we just need the outward stimulation and recognition to be able to see it within.

If we come to a point in our lives where we no longer feel, it only takes someone hurting us to again awaken the ability to respond. Often times it takes an external stimulation to produce an internal response. Whether it is through the use of words of validation from another or the production of desired results doesn’t matter. As long as we awaken to the truth that we had it all along we are becoming empowered. Wherever you place your faith it will grow. Wherever you grow you become empowered.

So then if it is necessary to utilize; tones, affirmations, oils, medical or natural treatments, and other forms of stimulation to awaken our ability to respond from within then let us do so with joy. Joy that someone was inspired to develop them. Joy that they are available to us as tools to begin the building. Joy that we have the wisdom to make ourselves strong. The more physical senses you fill the faster your progress.

The twelve Essentials are energy systems that, when operating properly, empower your life positively to bring about change. They are not physical organs or body systems but they do correlate to them. They are the energy system that empowers not only the body but also the mind and spirit to function as designed. Much like the outlet in your wall that empowers your appliances.

Just as passion and desire empower you to act in a certain manner to accomplish a goal, so the twelve Essentials provide the ability. The heart is not the only place that the life force of blood exists but it is the heart that empowers it to flow through the rest of the body. 

 It is time to move on as empowered beings!
And so it is, Rhonda Etherton

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Buy Now

12 Energy Centers are Essential to Illumination!

Living from the heart, which is your divine spirit, is what holds the key to true wisdom. 
60,000 years have come and gone with great divine beings who have assisted us with awakening this planet to our divinity.
Their teachings have awaken the heart of humanity and helped us know that the heart of all of creation is available to move through us and help assist in creating a magnificent life. The purpose was and is still to help us remember we are co-creators with our Heavenly Mother and Father God.

The “Essentials of Being” will unveil a journey through your 12 energy centers. Learning the divine spiritual nature of these 12 centers will bring enlightenment to very core of your existence.

The Hal-lai Healing System calls forth your divine light. When we separated from our source of light into human beings, it was foretold that humanity must learn about individual ego so it can become illumined and purified back into the light.

My dear friend and colleague Rev. Pam Wade agreed to facilitate the "Essentials of Being" The Hal-lai Healing System. Her service to humanity will always be remembered. The collection of wisdom contained within this book is from sacred knowledge passed on for those ready to embrace their sacred light.

We are the strongest of the strong to be alive during this time of transformation into this Golden Era. Our cells know it and our blueprint is transforming into it. You came to bring about change. If you are reading these words then I hope your heart will be touched and you will become an unmovable, unshakable light upon your path. 

Blessings,  Rhonda