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Tuesday, December 02, 2014

December brings in a blast of joyful energy


December brings in a blast of Joyful energy called Hal-lai

The 12th Energy Center

Hal-lai is The Christmas Carol of our own life. It shows how what you do in this moment forever changes the future. It is the ultimate source for the aligning with the energy to create change. Hal-lai recognizes you as an active part in the wholeness of all that is. If you will allow it, Hal-lai guides you to remember. Remember that you are love and you are loved. No matter where you may journey, or what you may experience there is always a loving heart and open arms waiting to receive you. 

Hal-lai is the threshold you must come to in order to begin to fully understand why life exists and why you are in it. It is the gentle master that lifts up the tired and worn violin and brings forth beautiful music. Hal-lai teaches you how to create the same harmony in all of your actions so that the full symphony may be experienced.

The wisdom that is accessible through the energy of Hal-lai gives you the tools needed in life. It focuses on the big T Truths. It reveals the ever-changing truths that the world would offer. It then guides you to utilize the power of these Truths to bring about your ultimate health, joy, prosperity, and potential. 

The most powerful tool you can use to integrate the power of Hal-lai into your life is prayer. Create a running dialogue with the heart of God directly from your heart. Talk to that heart as you would a best friend anytime, anywhere. It doesn’t require words and it doesn’t require a specific format. The heart of God already knows how you feel but is always willing to listen.

To access and utilize the 12 Energy Centers also known as Chakra, visit www.hal-lai.com  More than half of our population have evolved to allow the understanding and to utilize the other 5 spiritual centers. 
So then the heart of all of creation gives us 5 more spiritual centers to Master and Become. December we can experience Hal-lai the 12th energy in the 12th month. Feel it and allow Hal-lai to bring up any old junk you no longer need. Recognize it, love it for being in your life and now send it on its way to the creator, never to return again.  It then becomes easier to open to your Divine gifts and Talents and trust what it is you feel and know!

Blessings of Love to all of you and your families and our dear little planet Earth,

Monday, November 17, 2014

                                  The Hal-lai Healing System

                             The history, mystery and reawakening! 

You are most likely familiar with either the Western 7 Chakra System or the Eastern 8 Chakra System.  Here we present ancient wisdom that reveils the use of the 12 Chakra System.  This information transcends many present teachings and calls you to an adventure of spirit.  It is based in ancient teachings that have been traced throughout the Essenes, Mayans, Egyptians, Hindus, Hawaiians, Eskimos, Hopis, Greeks, Atlantians, Africans, Aborigines and Druids.  
While at the lower levels initiates mastered utilizing energy flow through either 7 or 8 chakras in order to begin balance and manifestation to a physical level with an awareness of a higher power.  When the initiate reached the highest level of spiritual development they began to study a level of energy that runs beyond the self subject to the will of others.  They developed a relationship with that higher power and began to experience it flowing through their very being.  

Many enlightened civilizations and beings had to awaken their own energy within knowing full well that if it was misused they were governed by cosmic and universal law. It remained hidden until a time a group who's covenant was to pioneer a new path for humanity to be ready for the Golden Age.

Why then have the 7 and 8 Chakra systems become all that we utilize?  It is a very simple explanation;  greed, power and ego.  Those who were receiving the teachings of 12 chakras began to slip from their focus of creating a world of peace and balance and sought to increase their own individual power with disregard for the whole.  The will of man overcame the focus on the greater good.  The matriarch began to fall away to the power of the patriarch.  Long did the matriarch hold the power of the truths and share them with those who were willing to utilize them for growth of the whole.  Then came the power of ego and greed and those truths were either stolen or bought with promise that they would be utilized only for the good of the whole.  Deception entered and the higher spiritual teachings fell into the hands of those who then turned its power toward personal gain.  
Initiates of the Priestesses were wooed into believing that their mentors were limiting what could be accomplished with the power and energy they were being trained to utilize.  They were convinced that if this energy was made available to all that it could be harnessed and increase the abundance of the land.  They were deceived into believing that if the energies of the 12 Chakra's were opened within everyone they would be used only to create a better world.   Little did they understand that only through disciplined training could one understand the power and effect of accessing this source.  They began to believe that the laws of the land dictated the Laws of the Universe. Universal Law is immutable and unchangeable while the laws of man bend to the will.  This is the truth that those initiates failed to remember.  

The initiates revealed the sacred teachings and the energy began to be utilized by those with no discipline, training or concern for consequences to the earth and its inhabitants.  As men began to access the power previously held only by the priestesses who spent entire lifetimes learning, practicing and acquiring self discipline they created from a desire for power.  As they became able to perform limited feats of directing energy they used that ability to make those around them subservient to their will.  As their newly found control over others increased they began to require homage from those who had not discovered the secrets and began to murder or drive out those who held the teachings sacred.  Some of the teachers of the sacred wisdom also were deceived into believing that their service to these newly created leaders would insure the sanctity of their temples and preservation of their beliefs.  These unholy alliances were continued only as long as the leader benefited from them.  Once the usefulness was exhausted the leader turned upon the teacher.

One by one, in the majority of cultures power was transferred.  More and more those who felt they were not subject to Universal Law and had no knowledge of consequence began to use the flow of energy of the 12 Chakra's As greed, ego and power became the intent of the student the teachings became more and more secret and the veil between the worlds of initiate and master was put into place.  No longer was the wisdom of the ages and the Universes available and the energy began to dissipate into chaos, confusion, war, greed and the pursuit of earthly power.  The teachings became hidden and the egoic use of power created the Law of Karma in order to create a level of responsibility for misuse of power obtained by deception.
Blessings, Rhonda

Thursday, August 07, 2014

An Art Of Self Healing

“ The Essentials of Being” will take you to wisdoms within the deepest part of your being. Your divine I AM presence will dissolve any uncertainty about who you are and why you are here.

Learning about the 12 energy centers will help you to tune into your heart. It is a knowingness that goes beyond words. Your spirit comes alive and remembers who you really are. Your spirit has guided you across all time and space to people and events to help you remember how beautiful and powerful you really are. Your mission is to believe and awaken to the God I AM, as you uncover your divine true self. In fact you may have a strong desire to revisit William Shakespeare and understand his writings and the hidden keys to life.

Your divine self has been challenging you all along to embrace life with your heart, not just the mind. Through millennium it was discovered the mind doesn’t hold all the answers. It has been compartmentalizing events and strategizing next actions to take to get what you want from the ego (the little mind).

This book will help you to see your true self and illumine the places within your field of energy so you may choose with your heart (spirit) and higher wisdom, rather than choosing from fear (mind) from the ego.
I believe this to be the quote from the bible, when Jesus speaks “You cannot serve two masters”. Fear and Love. It is important when making decisions for yourself to know from which you choose, Fear or Love?

Living from the heart, which is your divine spirit, is what holds the key to your true wisdom. 60,000 years have come and gone with great divine beings who have assisted us with awakening this planet to our divinity.
Their teachings have awaken the heart of humanity and helped us know that the heart of all of creation is available to move through us and help assist in creating a magnificant life. The purpose was and is still to help us remember we are co-creators with our Heavenly Mother and Father God.

The “Essentials of Being” will unveil a journey through your energy centers. Learning the divine spiritual nature of these 12 energy centers will bring enlightenment to very core of your existence.

The Hal-lai Healing System calls forth your divine light. When we separated from our source of light into human beings, it was foretold that humanity must learn about individual ego so it can become illumined and purified back into the light.
My dear friend and colleague Rev. Pam Wade agreed to facilitate this book for The Hal-lai Healing System. Her service to humanity will always be remembered. The collection of wisdom contained within this book is from sacred knowledge passed on for those ready to embrace their sacred light.

We are the strongest of the strong to be alive during this time of transformation into this Golden Era. Our cells know it and our blueprint is transforming into it. You came to bring about change. If you are reading these words then I hope your heart will be touched and you will become an unmovable, unshakable light upon your path.

With gratitude I thank you beloved Machia, your divine teachings have helped me to understand patience and divine timing. 
To our beloved Ascended Masters, Council of Golden Light and the Beings of Light for your endless service of love and devotion to our little planet called Earth.
Much Love, Rhonda Etherton 

Monday, January 27, 2014

 Healing your vibrational DNA? 

When in alignment with your energy system, total activation takes rule over health and intuition. This is the year of the Endocrine System. 7th energy system or chakra of man.

The evolution of DNA and the birth of the 6th sun was foretold by the Mayan in their calender. The end of an old cycle called the Kaliuga into an activation of solar light body.          2014 = 7 which represents the activation of the 7th chakra called To-mahr. 

     Vibrational Blueprint


The ancient name and 7th Energy System of the body is designed to eliminate the fear that prohibits one from speaking forth when recognizing injustice in life. Also the ruler of the endocrine glands. When we find ourselves in relationships or careers that become detrimental to our physical, emotional, or mental health, Tol-mahr drives us to speak up. It creates the use of words that will bring about the change of the situations to positive ones. Tol-mahr teaches us that words spoken in anger create angry responses and converts anger into positive action. It removes fear from our words so that fear does not grow and entrap us where we are not happy and healthy. It introduces us to Divine timing and allows us to see clearly where our words will most effectively bring about desired change.

When these are in full activation you allow intuition to be your guide and navigator. We have followed the masses through entrainment through schools and society to follow certain guide lines for a happy life. However they are very counter intuitive often leading to a suppressed unhappy life of stress and depression. By not following your intuition you give way to anothers way for you. 
Tol-mahr will activate your throat chakra and endocrine glands. Sounding this tone
empowers your system and your own ancient sacred self. If your personal energy system is  Tol-mahr you are in for a good life changing experience this year! Tol-mahr System
      Endocrine system disorders occur either due to too much or too little or sometimes no hormone. These disorders may lead to abnormal growth pattern, osteoporosis, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels and thyroid malfunction. Endocrine system disorders include hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, growth hormone deficiency, Addison's disease, Cushing's Syndrome and hypothyroidism. Endocrine disorders can be triggered by tumors, steroid medications or autoimmune problems. A person suffering from a disorder caused by any of the malfunctioning endocrine glands may notice change in weight, change in libido, mood swings, increased fatigue and thirst or urination.
Blessings and health,
Rhonda Etherton Ms. DD.http://youtu.be/L0EJjzPWUwE