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Monday, November 17, 2014

                                  The Hal-lai Healing System

                             The history, mystery and reawakening! 

You are most likely familiar with either the Western 7 Chakra System or the Eastern 8 Chakra System.  Here we present ancient wisdom that reveils the use of the 12 Chakra System.  This information transcends many present teachings and calls you to an adventure of spirit.  It is based in ancient teachings that have been traced throughout the Essenes, Mayans, Egyptians, Hindus, Hawaiians, Eskimos, Hopis, Greeks, Atlantians, Africans, Aborigines and Druids.  
While at the lower levels initiates mastered utilizing energy flow through either 7 or 8 chakras in order to begin balance and manifestation to a physical level with an awareness of a higher power.  When the initiate reached the highest level of spiritual development they began to study a level of energy that runs beyond the self subject to the will of others.  They developed a relationship with that higher power and began to experience it flowing through their very being.  

Many enlightened civilizations and beings had to awaken their own energy within knowing full well that if it was misused they were governed by cosmic and universal law. It remained hidden until a time a group who's covenant was to pioneer a new path for humanity to be ready for the Golden Age.

Why then have the 7 and 8 Chakra systems become all that we utilize?  It is a very simple explanation;  greed, power and ego.  Those who were receiving the teachings of 12 chakras began to slip from their focus of creating a world of peace and balance and sought to increase their own individual power with disregard for the whole.  The will of man overcame the focus on the greater good.  The matriarch began to fall away to the power of the patriarch.  Long did the matriarch hold the power of the truths and share them with those who were willing to utilize them for growth of the whole.  Then came the power of ego and greed and those truths were either stolen or bought with promise that they would be utilized only for the good of the whole.  Deception entered and the higher spiritual teachings fell into the hands of those who then turned its power toward personal gain.  
Initiates of the Priestesses were wooed into believing that their mentors were limiting what could be accomplished with the power and energy they were being trained to utilize.  They were convinced that if this energy was made available to all that it could be harnessed and increase the abundance of the land.  They were deceived into believing that if the energies of the 12 Chakra's were opened within everyone they would be used only to create a better world.   Little did they understand that only through disciplined training could one understand the power and effect of accessing this source.  They began to believe that the laws of the land dictated the Laws of the Universe. Universal Law is immutable and unchangeable while the laws of man bend to the will.  This is the truth that those initiates failed to remember.  

The initiates revealed the sacred teachings and the energy began to be utilized by those with no discipline, training or concern for consequences to the earth and its inhabitants.  As men began to access the power previously held only by the priestesses who spent entire lifetimes learning, practicing and acquiring self discipline they created from a desire for power.  As they became able to perform limited feats of directing energy they used that ability to make those around them subservient to their will.  As their newly found control over others increased they began to require homage from those who had not discovered the secrets and began to murder or drive out those who held the teachings sacred.  Some of the teachers of the sacred wisdom also were deceived into believing that their service to these newly created leaders would insure the sanctity of their temples and preservation of their beliefs.  These unholy alliances were continued only as long as the leader benefited from them.  Once the usefulness was exhausted the leader turned upon the teacher.

One by one, in the majority of cultures power was transferred.  More and more those who felt they were not subject to Universal Law and had no knowledge of consequence began to use the flow of energy of the 12 Chakra's As greed, ego and power became the intent of the student the teachings became more and more secret and the veil between the worlds of initiate and master was put into place.  No longer was the wisdom of the ages and the Universes available and the energy began to dissipate into chaos, confusion, war, greed and the pursuit of earthly power.  The teachings became hidden and the egoic use of power created the Law of Karma in order to create a level of responsibility for misuse of power obtained by deception.
Blessings, Rhonda

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