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Thursday, August 07, 2014

An Art Of Self Healing

“ The Essentials of Being” will take you to wisdoms within the deepest part of your being. Your divine I AM presence will dissolve any uncertainty about who you are and why you are here.

Learning about the 12 energy centers will help you to tune into your heart. It is a knowingness that goes beyond words. Your spirit comes alive and remembers who you really are. Your spirit has guided you across all time and space to people and events to help you remember how beautiful and powerful you really are. Your mission is to believe and awaken to the God I AM, as you uncover your divine true self. In fact you may have a strong desire to revisit William Shakespeare and understand his writings and the hidden keys to life.

Your divine self has been challenging you all along to embrace life with your heart, not just the mind. Through millennium it was discovered the mind doesn’t hold all the answers. It has been compartmentalizing events and strategizing next actions to take to get what you want from the ego (the little mind).

This book will help you to see your true self and illumine the places within your field of energy so you may choose with your heart (spirit) and higher wisdom, rather than choosing from fear (mind) from the ego.
I believe this to be the quote from the bible, when Jesus speaks “You cannot serve two masters”. Fear and Love. It is important when making decisions for yourself to know from which you choose, Fear or Love?

Living from the heart, which is your divine spirit, is what holds the key to your true wisdom. 60,000 years have come and gone with great divine beings who have assisted us with awakening this planet to our divinity.
Their teachings have awaken the heart of humanity and helped us know that the heart of all of creation is available to move through us and help assist in creating a magnificant life. The purpose was and is still to help us remember we are co-creators with our Heavenly Mother and Father God.

The “Essentials of Being” will unveil a journey through your energy centers. Learning the divine spiritual nature of these 12 energy centers will bring enlightenment to very core of your existence.

The Hal-lai Healing System calls forth your divine light. When we separated from our source of light into human beings, it was foretold that humanity must learn about individual ego so it can become illumined and purified back into the light.
My dear friend and colleague Rev. Pam Wade agreed to facilitate this book for The Hal-lai Healing System. Her service to humanity will always be remembered. The collection of wisdom contained within this book is from sacred knowledge passed on for those ready to embrace their sacred light.

We are the strongest of the strong to be alive during this time of transformation into this Golden Era. Our cells know it and our blueprint is transforming into it. You came to bring about change. If you are reading these words then I hope your heart will be touched and you will become an unmovable, unshakable light upon your path.

With gratitude I thank you beloved Machia, your divine teachings have helped me to understand patience and divine timing. 
To our beloved Ascended Masters, Council of Golden Light and the Beings of Light for your endless service of love and devotion to our little planet called Earth.
Much Love, Rhonda Etherton 

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