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Sunday, August 02, 2015

Awaken Laser Light Ability To Receive Inspiration

August 2015 brings energy to receive laser light clarity. We could use a boost of that and August is the time to receive it! 
2015=8 August = 8,  Cal-mahr is the 8 energy center in the Hal-lai Healing System located at the back of the neck. Also known as The Bridge Of Shamballa. It is the delicious receiver of inspiration and clarity with the guts to believe in the impulse you receive to take it forward in action. 
What Calmahr Energy Holds:

• Blends Divine Law into our choices
• Holds clarity of inspiration safe from mental pollution
• Acknowledges the purpose for your life
• Allows you to see the larger picture for your life

One of the first independent functions of our body when separated from our mothers womb is to breathe. This system is possible due to the respiratory system. Calmahr bridges the oxygen to this vital function. Without the oxygen the mind becomes clouded and the body cannot function. 

When oxygen begins to flow the mind clears, the body is renewed. Keeping the spine healthy is key to the flow of oxygen into the brain. When the Peripheral nerves are blocked with tension at the shoulders and base of the skull, depression can set in because of the lack of free flowing energy through Calmahr.
Separation and lack of oxygen causes us to lose enthusiasm and energy to continue life. 
Sounding or singing the word Calmahr activates this center and releases the congestion that can build up here. It allows us to receive ideas with clarity when open!

If you were born with Calmahr as your physical or spiritual center, then a good neck and back massage is calling your name. Keep this area open for a good flow of inspiration.