Our lives are unique learning processes of opportunities that each of us is allowed
to experience in our own manner. For not only can we individually experience
opportunities, we have the ability to learn from another. Then, all of us do not have
to experience the entire life journey in all of the manners available. If one chooses
to experience a life path in one manner then we can learn from them and no longer
have the need for that life experience. You can choose to learn by observing or you
can choose to learn by experience. In either manner the importance lies in the
depth of wisdom gained. Do we watch and often times assist another through an
experience only to repeat the same actions and reactions? Or, do we gain wisdom
from their experience and grow with that individual?
It is a wonderful, flexible quality that we as individuals possess. The ability to be aware of wise choices when another walks through life opportunities. It is a difficult quality to exhibit when we open the door to the same opportunity.
We have been given many opportunities to learn by observing through the past. So often though we cannot internalize an experience until such time that we experience it for ourselves. It is not necessary though for one individual to experience everything in creation. If you are building a house, there are some who come and lay the foundation. There are some who build the frame. There are some that install electricity and others who install water. The house is still built whether by one or by many. Now, if we hope that we do not have to experience any learning opportunities and only learn by observing, then we become as the subcontractor. We become responsible for the outcome of everything.
Just like a strand of Christmas lights, all are independent light, but yet connected to each and plugged into the same energy source. Each time you have an experience,thought, action or even breath or heartbeat, it empowers the light within you. It then follows the strand back to the source and all lights become brighter. For when a friend is going through a rough stage in their life, it is always more clear to you what is happening to them. You wish you could help them. You wish you could take the experience over for them or change it. The reason you can feel it, see it and understand it is because their light is flickering and the flow of the experience is passing through you also. You are becoming more enlightened because of that friend’s experience and the whole is becoming stronger. So, then thank your friend for allowing you to be a part of their experience and allowing you to learn from it. Then learn and move forward with clarity.
You cannot make an experience stop, for then the whole does not learn. The wonderful experiences of life are the easiest to learn but never forget to be grateful for the opportunity to share them. These experiences can lift you out of the darkness and because of another’s joy; you can be catapulted into light. So then, seek the love and joy in all experiences and be instrumental in uplifting the whole.
It is a wonderful, flexible quality that we as individuals possess. The ability to be aware of wise choices when another walks through life opportunities. It is a difficult quality to exhibit when we open the door to the same opportunity.
We have been given many opportunities to learn by observing through the past. So often though we cannot internalize an experience until such time that we experience it for ourselves. It is not necessary though for one individual to experience everything in creation. If you are building a house, there are some who come and lay the foundation. There are some who build the frame. There are some that install electricity and others who install water. The house is still built whether by one or by many. Now, if we hope that we do not have to experience any learning opportunities and only learn by observing, then we become as the subcontractor. We become responsible for the outcome of everything.
Just like a strand of Christmas lights, all are independent light, but yet connected to each and plugged into the same energy source. Each time you have an experience,thought, action or even breath or heartbeat, it empowers the light within you. It then follows the strand back to the source and all lights become brighter. For when a friend is going through a rough stage in their life, it is always more clear to you what is happening to them. You wish you could help them. You wish you could take the experience over for them or change it. The reason you can feel it, see it and understand it is because their light is flickering and the flow of the experience is passing through you also. You are becoming more enlightened because of that friend’s experience and the whole is becoming stronger. So, then thank your friend for allowing you to be a part of their experience and allowing you to learn from it. Then learn and move forward with clarity.
You cannot make an experience stop, for then the whole does not learn. The wonderful experiences of life are the easiest to learn but never forget to be grateful for the opportunity to share them. These experiences can lift you out of the darkness and because of another’s joy; you can be catapulted into light. So then, seek the love and joy in all experiences and be instrumental in uplifting the whole.
This sharing of experience is why it is inappropriate to try and change another, to save them. This is why it is so important to learn together and assist one another so that we may learn from each other’s experience and be the keeper of wisdom for one another. Keeping wisdom learned through experience so it may be shared builds a strong foundation and answers positively to the question, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9)
Blessings and peace this Holiday,
Rhonda Etherton